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À propos de SYSTRAN

Depuis sa création en 1968, SYSTRAN est pionnier dans le domaine des technologies de traduction automatique. Les innovations développées par SYSTRAN sont désormais couramment utilisées par les entreprises et utilisateurs professionnels. Avec une forte orientation vers la recherche et le développement, SYSTRAN, 50 ans plus tard, est plus innovante que jamais.

SYSTRAN propose aux utilisateurs professionnels des solutions de traduction automatisée avancées et sécurisées dans divers domaines tels que la collaboration à l'international, la production de contenu multilingue, le support client, l'eDiscovery, l'analyse de Big Data, le e-commerce, etc. SYSTRAN propose une solution sur-mesure avec une architecture ouverte et évolutive qui permet une intégration transparente dans les applications tierces existantes et les infrastructures informatiques.

SYSTRAN New Generation: The XML Translation Workflow [PDF]

SYSTRAN New Generation: The XML Translation Workflow [PDF]

Customization of Machine Translation (MT) is a prerequisite for corporations to adopt the technology. It is therefore important but nonetheless challenging. Ongoing implementation proves that XML is an excellent exchange device between MT modules that efficiently enables interaction between the user and the processes to reach highly granulated structure-based customization. Accomplished through an innovative approach … Suite

Jean Senellart, Christian Boitet, Laurent Romary

MT Summit IX, September 22-26, 2003.

Intuitive Coding of the Arabic Lexicon [PDF]

Intuitive Coding of the Arabic Lexicon [PDF]

SYSTRAN started the design and the development of Arabic, Farsi and Urdu to English machine translation systems in July 2002. This paper describes the methodology and implementation adopted for dictionary building and morphological analysis. SYSTRAN’s IntuitiveCoding® technology (ICT) facilitates the creation, update, and maintenance of Arabic, Farsi and Urdu lexical entries, is more modular and … Suite

Ali Farghaly, Jean Senellart

MT Summit IX; September 22-26, 2003.

New Generation SYSTRAN Translation System [PDF]

New Generation SYSTRAN Translation System [PDF]

In this paper, we present the design of the new generation Systran translation systems, currently utilized in the development of English-Hungarian, English-Polish, English-Arabic, French-Arabic, Hungarian-French and Polish-French language pairs. The new design, based on the traditional Systran machine translation expertise and the existing linguistic resources, addresses the following aspects: efficiency, modularity, declarativity, reusability, and maintainability. … Suite

Jean Senellart, Péter Dienes, Tamás Váradi

MT Summit 8, September 18-22, 2001.

SYSTRAN-Autodesk: Resource Alignment and Implicit Transfer [PDF]

SYSTRAN-Autodesk: Resource Alignment and Implicit Transfer [PDF]

In this article we present the concept of “implicit transfer” rules. We will show that they represent a valid compromise between huge direct transfer terminology lists and large sets of transfer rules, which are very complex to maintain. We present a concrete, real-life application of this concept in a customization project (TOLEDO project) concerning the … Suite

Jean Senellart, Mirko Plitt, Christophe Bailly, Françoise Cardoso

MT Summit 8, September 18-22, 2001.

First Steps towards a General Purpose French/English Statistical Machine Translation System [PDF]

First Steps towards a General Purpose French/English Statistical Machine Translation System [PDF]

This paper describes an initial version of a general purpose French/English statistical machine translation system. The main features of this system are the open-source Moses decoder, the integration of a bilingual dictionary and a continuous space target language model. We analyze the performance of this system on the test data of the WMT’08 evaluation.

Holger Schwenk, Jean-Baptiste Fouet, Jean Senellart

June 2008