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À propos de SYSTRAN

Depuis sa création en 1968, SYSTRAN est pionnier dans le domaine des technologies de traduction automatique. Les innovations développées par SYSTRAN sont désormais couramment utilisées par les entreprises et utilisateurs professionnels. Avec une forte orientation vers la recherche et le développement, SYSTRAN, 50 ans plus tard, est plus innovante que jamais.

SYSTRAN propose aux utilisateurs professionnels des solutions de traduction automatisée avancées et sécurisées dans divers domaines tels que la collaboration à l'international, la production de contenu multilingue, le support client, l'eDiscovery, l'analyse de Big Data, le e-commerce, etc. SYSTRAN propose une solution sur-mesure avec une architecture ouverte et évolutive qui permet une intégration transparente dans les applications tierces existantes et les infrastructures informatiques.

SYSTRAN Enhances Automated Professional Translation by Launching the First Catalog of Industry-Specific Translation Models

New tools and models, created to meet the level of quality expected by professional users, are available in self-service in the cloud and covers industries such as agriculture, education, finance, IT, legal and health.

SAN DIEGO, PARIS, January 27th, 2021 – SYSTRAN, the leader in neural machine translation technology, announces the launch of its new multilingual catalog of industry-specific translation models. These unique models are designed by a community of experts called ‘trainers’—owners, translators, linguists, universities, public organizations, etc.—and offered in self-service to professional users—SMBs, translators, business owners—facing the limitation of generic translation.

The objective of SYSTRAN Marketplace is to meet the level of quality expected by professionals who need a translation customizable to their business jargon, as well as industry-specific vocabulary and brand voice. The new technology will cover industries such as agriculture, education, finance, IT, legal and health.

Innovation is in the ecosystem

“We have been committed to the same goal for 50 years,” said CEO of SYSTRAN, Jean Senellart. “We believe that providing quality and customized translation is possible thanks to the added value of humans, rather than the technology itself. Our neural technology and training engines may be a highly innovative ‘toolbox’, but our success will depend on our ability to convince the world’s largest community of experts to join us and use our platform to create, train, and offer the widest catalog of languages and models.”

Last year, TED joined the community and granted SYSTRAN, for the first time in its history, the right to use the bilingual data from its prestigious conferences to create translation models in 10 languages, highly adapted to educational, scientific and technical content. Independent human evaluations have shown impressive improvements, both in precision and fluidity, compared to generic models. For 41 percent of sentences in the domain, these models even exceed the reference human translations in quality.

“The fact that our inaugural collaboration in the AI space is focused on neural machine translation models built from translations of TED Talks in multiple languages feels natural,” said Alex Hofmann, Director, Global Distribution & Licensing at TED. “These are now available on a licensed basis to help enterprises and organizations meet their most sophisticated translation needs.”

A ‘turnkey’ technological solution at the heart of SYSTRAN Marketplace

With its expertise in AI and deep learning, SYSTRAN has created one of the most widely used open-source neural translation platforms (OpenNMT), which lays a foundation for SYSTRAN engineers to successfully develop an advanced professional translation solution and unique translation model training tools (the Model Studio). This ‘turnkey’ infrastructure offers partners and experts the opportunity to develop, train and test their own models from their own data to offer professional users a solution that meets their requirements.

“With a wide range of European and Asian languages, excellent translation quality, advanced customization features and a team of experts at our side, SYSTRAN has quickly become a key partner for our project,” said Emmanuel Saubat-Lalanne, group technology solution manager at Webhelp, the world leader in customer experience and business process outsourcing, and client of SYSTRAN’s Translate Pro Cloud solution.

Hundreds of specialized translation models already available in self-service

Accessible by any professional user through a web platform, these translation models can be tested free of charge. For advanced features, including Microsoft Office, PDF file translation and API, users can access via the Cloud offer—SYSTRAN Translate Pro—with volume-based pricing models or via a server solution—SYSTRAN Pure Neural® Server—with licensed models.

In a world increasingly concerned with a more responsible economy, this initiative offers a real alternative to the major global players. As such, SYSTRAN has chosen OVH as a technology partner, committed to a more responsible approach: for example, relying on the reuse of existing models when possible and training those models in a slower fashion to minimize energy consumption.

To test SYSTRAN Translate Pro for free for 14 days, please click here.

À propos de SYSTRAN

With more than 50 years of experience, SYSTRAN provides business users with advanced and secure translation solutions. For more information, visit

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Pour tester SYSTRAN Translate Pro gratuitement pendant 14 jours, veuillez cliquer ici.