Translate everywhere
Translation is just a click away.
- Quick translation shortcut Ctrl+C
- Acccurate translation with domain-specific translation models
- The highest data privacy standards
Quick Translation Shortcut Double Ctrl + C
Customize your keyboard shortcut. That’s all you need to open our translation pop-up instantly. You can use it from any type of office application or website. Inserting the translated result takes a matter of seconds.

Translation Alternatives based on your business sector
SYSTRAN is the only online translator to provide a range of domain-specific alternative translations, for an accurate translation of your industry’s terminology and jargon. The gain in quality is significant!

Save even more time using our plugins for Office 365

Secured Text & Document 翻訳
Use SYSTRAN to translate any type of document, even confidential documents. You get a trusted solution with the highest data privacy standards on the market. We pledge not to store or use your data for any purpose other than delivering your translation.

- マーケティング・広告
- コンテンツマーケティング
- 電話会議の通訳
- 説明資料の翻訳
- 動画の字幕翻訳
- ECサイトのローカライゼイション
- ビジネスミーティングの通訳
- SNSコンテンツの翻訳
- Webサイトのローカライゼイション
- パッケージ説明の翻訳
- 提案依頼書の翻訳
- 販売支援の翻訳
- プレスリリースの翻訳
- 市場調査の翻訳
- 広告のトランスクリエーション