Optimieren Sie Ihre eDiscovery-Übersetzungen
Did you know that 80% of all litigation will be multilingual by 2020*?
In today’s globalized business world, cross-border disputes und regulatory investigations are soaring. Data explosion, ignited by BYOD, social media and big data, have also clearly complicated the discovery of Electronically Stored Information (ESI).
Within this environment, the use of secure and real-time machine translation becomes increasingly important not only to ensure the necessary confidentiality of eDiscovery procedures, but also to search for and find relevant documents in the appropriate languages whilst controlling costs.
How SYSTRAN helps
SYSTRAN streamlines your document review process in foreign languages whilst ensuring information security. By providing an on-site centralized translation server, SYSTRAN offers secure und real-time translation. With the SYSTRAN Linguistic Development Kit, you can quickly process and classify large volumes of multilingual ESI.
Key benefits
- Ensure absolute control und information security while translating
- Reduce translation costs dramatically
- Perform fast translation of large volumes of documents
- Benefit from accurate translations (Customized translation)
- Simplify analysis und prioritization thanks to linguistic functionalities like Named Entity Recognition and Domain Detection.
* according to Gartner
Siehe auch:
maschinelle Übersetzung Vorteile
- Unbegrenzte Textübersetzung
- Übersetzung von Dokumenten (PDF, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX...)
- Domain-spezifische Übersetzungsfunktionen (Recht, IT...)
- 55 verfügbare Sprachen