Retail and eCommerce

When brick and mortar and eCommerce retailers are looking to sell products and services in new countries and provide quality support in the customers’ own language, they turn to SYSTRAN. We work with them to create multilingual content and transform their e-commerce portal into a highly effective sales channel.


Von führenden Marken als vertrauenswürdig eingestuft



Improve Sales & Customer Experience

Surpass your customers’ demanding expectations by offering high-quality support and rapid response times, whether by phone, email, website or chat. Our machine translation solutions help you communicate with customers in their preferred language, providing exceptional support, answering queries, and enhancing their shopping experience.


Reduce translation costs

SYSTRAN Solutions are designed to deliver substantial cost savings for retail and e-commerce enterprises. Efficiently translate extensive volumes of printed and online content, encompassing product catalogs, datasheets, manuals, and shopping-related information, while upholding uniform industry-specific terminology usage, all aimed at driving down your translation expenses.


Accurate & Consistent Translations

Our solutions ensure accurate and consistent translations across product listings, descriptions, customer reviews, and more. Say goodbye to linguistic misunderstandings and hello to a smooth shopping experience for your customers, no matter where they are.

Senior Head of Localization Services bei Farfetch

"Wir erkannten, dass wir zusätzliche Technologien erforschen mussten, um die großen Mengen, mit denen wir es zu tun hatten, zu bewältigen. Und hier kommt die maschinelle Übersetzung ins Spiel."
Alex Katsambas

Integriert mit allen benötigten Tools

SYSTRAN lässt sich problemlos in alle gängigen Anwendungen integrieren und ermöglicht so eine akkurate, sofortige Übersetzung, um die richtigen Informationen zum richtigen Zeitpunkt zu ermitteln. Review-Teams können unabhängig von der Sprache innerhalb von Sekunden enorme Mengen an Dokumenten übersetzen und analysieren.

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