Smart & Instant translation: “Neural” Machine Translation

This is a general demand of companies: to have a reliable, secure translation solution always available from a web interface or directly accessible in office applications.

How can we meet this need? Providing all employees with access to a professional machine translation solution. But what is a good translation solution? Find out everything you need to know about a professional online translation tool.

What is Neural Machine Translation?

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is based on complex algorithms at the forefront of artificial intelligence and deep learning. This technology – invented by SYSTRAN – enables machine training and therefore continuous translation engine improvement over time, resulting in high-quality, instant professional translation.Our expert Guillaume Klein explains how AI and neural networks work (in french)

What is the use of neural translation?

Today, the majority of machine translation solutions are neural and run on machine learning. Integrating these technologies is necessary for accurate and fast professional translation.

But SYSTRAN is the first player on the market to have developed a catalog of machine translation models pre-packaged by business domain and dedicated to professional needs.

How a cloud server works and what it does

The cloud is an external IT infrastructure that may or may not retain (for security reasons) business data. A cloud-based solution can be used from any desktop or laptop using a client interface that can be accessed by a username and password.

The main advantage of a cloud-based machine translation solution is that you can take advantage of all the changes in the solution as the provider updates. It also improves the quality and accuracy of the translations performed with the solution, and enables resources to be pooled across global subsidiaries.

Simple set-up and Use

Registration on a SaaS / Cloud platform is done directly online, then activation is done using a validation link sent by email. Access to the client interface of the solution is made possible by a connection from an application or an internet browser using secure identifiers.

It’s a translation tool that’s accessible wherever you are, whenever you want, while being secure.

From your first login, you can install plugins to use machine translation directly in your software and programs (browsers, word processing, email client, etc.). So, when it comes time to translate your documents, it is done without delay for the files, regardless of their format or format. And translation is obviously not limited to files: when integrated with a messaging client, the solution translates emails instantly.

Where’s the data going?

When a document is translated, the data is sent to a server array, which must be located in Europe. During this transfer, they are encrypted, which means that they are undecryptable during the journey between servers and that a decryption key is required for their processing.

In addition, the processing of the data integrated and produced by the solution is highly secure because some servers do not retain the data.

Please note that some free translation software stores translated data, such as DeepL, which states in its GTC: “The customer grants DeepL the right to temporarily store, modify, process, translate and transmit the customer’s content and/or training data. »

Unstored data : a key option

Some solutions offer not to store translated data:the data is erased after a few seconds for a translation carried out directly in the translation engine. If a document is uploaded, the data is stored for the time it takes to process it, but the user has the hand to delete what is on the server from their personal account.

At SYSTRAN the files are automatically deleted after about 3 days.
Few machine translation solutions guarantee the deletion of stored data. SYSTRAN is one of these secure solutions, which makes protecting your data a priority.

Two key features to choose your professional tool

Cloud localization: European or American?

Care should be taken when choosing a SaaS translation solution:

  • The location of the servers used to build the cloud where your data is stored;
  • The nationality of the provider of this cloud service.
  • Easy access from your business document translation tools

With a translation service like SYSTRAN Translate Pro, integration with your everyday tools is easy from the moment you log in, using plugins. .

In addition, the SYSTRAN instant translation solution is user-friendly: the translation of your documents is done with a single click, and the original layout is retained.n addition, you only need one tool to translate all your daily business documents, regardless of the type of translation required

Una solución profesional de traducción automática debe ser segura, potente y fácil de usar e implementar. Debe prestarse especial atención a la seguridad cuando la solución se aloja en la nube: localización, aplicación de la ley... También es importante garantizar la cobertura lingüística, los formatos de documentos gestionados y la posibilidad de personalizar la traducción con su propia jerga