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Con más de 50 años de experiencia en tecnologías de traducción, SYSTRAN ha sido pionera en las mayores innovaciones en el campo, incluyendo los primeros portales de traducción basados en la web y los primeros motores de traducción neuronal que combinan inteligencia artificial y redes neuronales para empresas y organizaciones públicas.

SYSTRAN ofrece a los usuarios empresariales soluciones de traducción automática avanzadas y seguras en diversas áreas como: colaboración global, producción de contenido multilingüe, atención al cliente, investigación electrónica, análisis de Big Data, comercio electrónico, etc. SYSTRAN ofrece una solución a medida con una arquitectura abierta y escalable que permite una integración perfecta en las aplicaciones de terceros e infraestructuras informáticas existentes.

AI PARIS 2018: SYSTRAN & PERTIMM win the technology award with theirmultilingual, healthcare virtual agent

Paris, June 15, 2018

SYSTRAN, a leader in multilingual AI, has won the Technology Award at AI Paris 2018, along
with their partner PERTIMM, an expert in Business Semantics research.
The winning solution is a multilingual e-Health ‘chatbot’ based on the platform developed by Pertimm,
which enables patients to interact with healthcare professionals and receive optimal care, regardless of their
linguistic level and language all the while protecting their privacy and the privacy of their personal medical

Public services are increasingly seeking to provide easy access to information and support services. In this regard,
conversational agents play a vital role. They provide guidance to users, particularly in the healthcare field, where
they make it easier for patients to get the care they need.
SYSTRAN & Pertimm’s “e-health agent of the future,” rewarded at AI Paris 2018, reinvents the relationship
between patients and healthcare professionals, while respecting privacy and medical confidentiality. This crucial
dimension is highly valued by European customers at the time of the GDPR implementation (General Data
Protection Regulation).

The benefit of such an application is also economic as it contributes to the overall reduction of medical expenses
by improving patients’ treatments.

Patient care becomes “language agnostic”
Patients can describe their symptoms more accurately, as they are able to communicate in their native language.
The practitioner can then establish a diagnosis faster and discuss with the patient, in their language, the
appropriate treatment and advice.

Gaëlle BOU, Sales & Marketing Director at SYSTRAN adds: “What’s exciting about this innovative project is
its humanity: the best of technology in semantic research, AI and neural translation, at the service of patients
and the best quality of medical care accessible to all. This project was born from a great synergy with
PERTIMM teams and we are proud that caught the attention of the jury as well the public of AI Paris
2018! “

Press Release
The combined expertise of SYSTRAN and PERTIMM
Over the last few years, Pertimm, an expert in the field of semantic research, has witnessed changes in users’
habits and a desire to interact more with the products or services they are looking for. This led to the creation of
Pertimm’s NLP platform,
Following a number of business opportunities in the medical field, Pertimm contacted David SETBOUN (who has
been working in the Pharmaceutical sector for the last 20 years, in particular at BIOGEN France) and SYSTRAN, a
technological leader in Neural Machine Translation.
Natural language understanding requires thorough expertise of the medical field, with the goal of creating a
seamless and easily accessible pathway for all users.
In addition, Pertimm places a high priority on protecting personal privacy, and aims to offer a sustainable
alternative to the GAFAs that heavily invest in the e-health sector to obtain personal data on a large-scale for
commercial purposes.

Charles-Henri PUAUX, PERTIMM COO concludes: “In retail, the priority is to quickly give customers access to the
appropriate offer in order to facilitate their purchase decision. In the health sector, the stakes are vital! Tomorrow’s
pre-diagnosis will be given to the patient in less than 15 seconds. This is the reason why perfect understanding of
natural language is a crucial factor in creating the patient journey of the near future.”

SYSTRAN, celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, is a pioneer in machine translation technologies. The company helps
worldwide organizations in their digital transformation process with advanced and secure translation solutions. In 2016,
SYSTRAN further innovated and launched its new generation of engines that combine neural networks and artificial
intelligence to offer companies a translation quality very close to human translation and increase their productivity
gains in various areas such as: collaboration, content production, customer support, electronic investigation, analysis of
Big Data, e-commerce, etc.

SYSTRAN provides a tailor-made solution that meets the language specificities of each domain and corporate
communication guidelines. Thanks to an open and scalable architecture, SYSTRAN’s solutions integrate seamlessly into
existing IT applications and infrastructure, providing professionals with higher efficiency.

About PERTIMM: The Immediate Relevance©
Pertimm is an innovative French company with more than 20 years of experience in artificial intelligence, providing
semantic research solutions for businesses through the development of search engines and virtual assistants. In 2017,
Pertimm was supported and praised by the European Horizon 2020 program for its intelligent assistant creation
platform,, which contains its own natural lang

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